jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019


We are studying the 5 senses: taste, smell, touch, see and hear.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

                 MY ANNUAL PROJECT ABOUT UNITED STATES                                            OF AMERICA(USA) 

This is a very important year for us. 
We are going to study a wonderful country, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA(USA).
USA is made up of 50(fifty) states.
This is a very big country and has got remarkable cities, traditions, flag, festivities, symbols, appetising food, rivers, mountains, lakes, prominent people and a common language, ENGLISH.

With different videos, texts, drawings, maps and games we are going to learn all these things...and much more!    

Amarican people are very proud(orgullosos) about their anthem(himno). Here we are the Amarican Anthem sung (cantado) by a very famous singer in the world, Beyoncé in 2013. The title of this anthem is THE STAR-SPLANGED BANNER.

     How do American people celebrate Easter(Pascua) Look at thes two videos. One is about the celebration, another one is a song and the last one is a story of Peter Rabbit.
 We can see in this video the top ten traditional dishes(platos) you must(debes) know.

Now you have here people very famous in AMERICA. At the beginning we start with the previous president, Barack Obama.


Here we have the real(actual) president who lives in the White House, Donald Trump.

There are a lot of prominent people in America they can be alive or dead. They are singers, actors or actresses,sportmen or sportwomen, inventors, scientist, writers, pionners in something or Disney cartoons. Here we are examples: Michael Jackson, Willy Smith, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jordan, Edison, Albert Einstein, Jean Austen, Ernest Hemingway, Amelia Earhart , Pluto, Mickey or Donald Duck. You know very interesting American people. If you want your parents and you can resarch (investigar) about them.

Now is the moment to know the most important rivers in USA. Look at this map.
If you pay attention, we can see five great lakes in USA. They are sharing border(compartiendo frontera) with Canada. Look at this map. The names of these lakes are:Superior, Huron , Ontario, Michigan and Erie. At the end of the lake Ontario and in the state of New York we can find the Niagara waterfalls, They are in the Niagara river. They are beautiful!
Finally we can see another map about the main( principales) mountain chains(cordilleras) in USA.
Now we are to look at these pictures of the Great Canyon in the Colorado River.

Here we are a video with the most beautiful mountains in America. It is the moment to speak with dad or mum about America and look for (Buscar) lots of things on Internet about this incredible country.